A company’s value was once a simple product of its tangible assets – its factories and offices, its people and its intellectual property. Yet in the digital age, company culture has become a much more important competitive force. – The Economist Intelligence Unit, December 9-15-2017.

And so, in keeping with our company culture of celebrating our people, ANEEJ gathered its old and new members of staff together to celebrate one of ours – Deputy Executive Director, Comrade Leo Atakpu born on val’s day about five decades ago.

It was a time to wine, wind and pop the champagne. It was also a time to pour accolades on a man whom most members of staff said is a good listener, a humble and dedicated mentor. We presented a birthday card to Comrade Leo Atakpu, summing up what we think of him in the following words:
“Your selfless contribution and commitment to the growth and development of ANEEJ represents a true story of your love and passion for the poor and downtrodden”.
Happy Birthday Comrade and many happy returns