ANEEJ is working with other environmental activists around the World to engage oil companies and their investors to align strategy with Paris Agreement, undertake environmental remediation, pay loss and damages to affected communities and undertake environmentally friendly operations in oil-producing and impacted communities. ANEEJ is part of the COP processes and other international events around climate change, drawing global attention to the impact of climate change in the Niger Delta and other parts of Nigeria. Some of ANEEJ work covers Campaigns against Gas flaring, Flooding interventions, Research, Lake Chad, WASH, Niger Delta issues, Empowering communities, climate change and remediation for the entire Niger Delta.
People’s AGM
The People’s AGM is a movement convened by the Africa Network for Environment and Economic Justice (ANEEJ) to hold Shell, Chevron and other multinational oil companies accountable for the damages caused in the Niger Delta Region. It comprises heads and leaders of NGOs, CBOs, faith-based organisations, representatives of Host oil and gas communities, human rights groups, students, youths, artisans and media practitioners.
APTRAN Project
ANEEJ is implementing the Advancing the Paris Climate Agreement and Energy Transition in Nigeria (APTRAN) project which seeks to highlight the responsibility of Shell and its affiliates for oil and gas pollution in the Niger Delta and campaign for the implementation of fossil fuel phaseouts as outlined in the Paris Climate Agreement and related reports, while ensuring a just transition, to include site clean-up and community compensation. The APTRAN project is supported by SUNRISE.
ANEEJ also implements the Citizen Led Action to Advance Paris Agreement and Energy Transition in Nigeria (CLAP-Nigeria) under the ACEP Grant to put pressure on oil companies and their investors to align strategy with Paris Agreement with a clear path to energy transition. The CLAP-Nigeria project is supported by African Centre for Energy Policy (ACEP).