ANEEJ in the News



The CSO Partnership for Development Effectiveness (CPDE), an open platform that unites CSOs from around the world on the issue of development effectiveness. We strive to make development more effective by reshaping the global aid architecture and empowering CSOs working on the ground.

In promoting development effectiveness in all areas of work, both our own and the work of others, we are guided by a human rights-based approach. We work with a strong focus to support country, regional, and sectoral civil society, combining this with the coordinated regional and global work on development effectiveness.

Development effectiveness introduces a new form of development cooperation governance and accountability. It requires creating engagement mechanisms for different stakeholders involved, as well as strengthening the capacities of weaker stakeholders that they may actively participate on a level playing field. Entry point of stakeholders to these mechanisms should be found at the national level. As such, the CSO Partnership focuses on outreach, capacity development, and delivering impacts at the country level.

To carry out independent leadership roles, CSOs need to put forward CSO Development Effectiveness as the core thrust in building stronger consistency and coherence in optimizing global, regional, and national spaces. The CPDE acts as a platform for involved CSOs to share the good practices, lessons learned, and tools used for the implementation of the Istanbul Principles at the country level and beyond.

Our membership spans across regions and sectors and is open to all CSOs who abide with the CSO Key Asks and the Istanbul Principles. We believe that our niche in uniting and empowering CSOs worldwide is a step forward in realizing a truly democratic and inclusive society.

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Top issues discussed are the reforms in OECD which will ensure improved development cooperation between donors and recipient countries as well as improved quantity, quality and impact of aid. ANEEJ deputy executive director, Comrade Leo Atakpu, was there. He participated and held crucial meetings with key stakeholders from all around the world.

ANEEJ DED, Comrade Leo Atakpu and Mr Dalitso Kumbala from Malawi at the Global Council meeting of Civil Society Partnership for Development Effectiveness (CPDE) in Berlin, Germany.


ANEEJ deputy executive director, Comrade Leo Atakpu, International Coordinating Committee (ICC) Chair of Reality of Aid after fruitful discussions with OECD DAC Chair Charlotte Petri Gornitzka during meetings between DAC and civil Society OECD DAC Reference Group meeting at the DAC secretariat on October 10 ahead of the upcoming October 30-31 High Level Meeting of the OECD.