The Reality of Aid Network holds a Global Assembly for RoA members once in its two-year Report cycle. Its purpose is to engage members to debate key issues for the theme of the upcoming Global Report and to share national and regional experiences with other RoA members. It seeks interchange on crucial issues and builds capacities and ownership for common key messages to be developed in the Report.
In 2016, Reality of Aid released the Report on Technical Cooperation as an Aid Modality, which drew lessons from positive and problematic practices, and put forward key messages on the preconditions and principles for the contributions of technical cooperation to development effectiveness for the reduction of poverty and inequality. The 2017 Global Assembly is a space to discuss emerging challenges and opportunities amidst global developments that threaten the integrity of development aid.
The mass exodus of refugees arriving in the European region, and terror attacks across the globe have intensified pressure on donor governments to utilize ODA for defense, terrorism, and security activities. Worsening climate conditions are not met with adequate and effective financing to support adaptation and mitigation efforts. Meanwhile, the declining share of ODA and public funds in global financial flows has launched massive support in using public money to leverage private sector investment in development.
These concerning trends demand intensified, concerted efforts among CSOs in both developed and developing countries for research, policy advocacy, and awareness-raising to advocate reforms and promote alternatives.
The 2017 Global Assembly will examine: What trends, practices or areas in the development cooperation need the attention of civil society? What are the bottlenecks in the implementation of ownership, transparency, and accountability? How can civil society contribute towards upholding the integrity of development aid in reducing poverty and inequality, and enabling the human rights of poor and vulnerable populations?
The objectives of the Global Assembly include:
• Discuss and elaborate potential themes for the 2018 Global Report
• Provide inputs for the Theme Statement that will guide the content of the Report
• Share country and regional experiences among members
• Provide information on the logistics of the Report
Key points for discussion ahead of the meeting:
• Finalize the date and venue for the assembly. To maximize limited resources, the assembly will be held back-to-back with either the DAC-CSO Reference Group Strategy Meeting (2nd week of September – possibly on Sept 13) or the DAC-CSO Meeting before the DAC HLM (1st or 2nd week of October) both likely to be held in Paris, France.
• Prepare and send out discussion papers for each proposed theme (The ICC has identified aid and climate change, aid in peace, security and conflict, aid and private sector instruments as potential themes.)
• Assign main discussants for each proposed theme. Each discussant to do a presentation to show why it is relevant to focus the next Global Report on their respective proposed themes.
1:00 – 1:20pm
1:20 – 1:30pm
Welcome Remarks
1:30 – 1:40pm
Message from the Reality of Aid Network Chairperson
Leo Atakpu
Deputy Executive Director, Africa Network for Environment and Economic Justice
1:40 – 2: 40pm
Panel Discussion
Moderator: TBC
Overview: Key aid and development cooperation issues amidst global crises
Thematic issue 1: Aid and Climate Change
Thematic issue 2: Aid for Security, Peace, and Conflict
Thematic issue 3: Aid and Private Sector Instruments
2:40 – 3:10pm
3:10 – 3:20pm
Coffee Break
3:20 – 4:00pm
Breakout Groups: What would be the most relevant theme for the next RoA Global Report?
– Which of the specific issues discussed resonate most with you?
– What could be the main messages RoA can forward in its next Report?
– Other suggestions…
- culled from:
Congrats to ANEEJ for providing leadership towards the successful holding of the Reality of Aid meeting in Paris.
Please, keep me updated.
Dear Dr Oscar sorry this is coming late. Surely, we will keep you very posted as events develop.
Rev Ugolor