Review of implementation of UNCAC and FATF

Review of implementation of UNCAC and FATF


The study assessed the extent to which the 2nd United Nations Conventions Against Corruption (UNCAC) review processes, Financial Action Task Force (FATF) Evaluation on Nigeria, Nigeria Policy on IFF, and National Anti-Corruption Strategy (NACS) and to ascertain how far recommendations from these processes and policies have been implemented in Nigeria and identify key challenges to implementation of these instruments and make clear recommendations for: Government, Civil Society Organisations and the international community on what should be done to ensure effective and more efficient implementation.

The study adopted a “two stage” conceptual approach. The first stage or the “constitutionality stage” assessed the extent to which Nigeria has implemented the recommendations from the UNCAC review. The second part of the study assessed the coherence of national policies and legislation to the National Anti-Corruption Strategy, Nigeria policy on Illicit Financial Flows (IFFs) and recommendations from the FATF Evaluation Visit. Desk Review and Key Informant Interview (KII) were used as methodology in conducting the study. The study, in this regard, assessed the extent to which the Nigerian national policies and legislation align with the various action plans developed after those reviews and visits.

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