ANEEJ in the News



The Africa Network for Environment and Economic Justice, ANEEJ, had an engagement meeting with Federal Ministry of Justice, International and Comparative Law Department in Abuja on December 2, 2016, at the Ministry’s office, Abuja. The meeting was held in pursuance to the “Civil Society Advocacy to Support Anti-Corruption in Nigeria” (CASAN) project with support from UNDP under the EU founded 10th European Development Fund (EDF). Officials of the Ministry of Justice, MOJ in attendance at the meeting include, Ladidi Bara’atu Mohammed, Assistant Director, Talatu Akindoure, Senior State Counsel, Hajarah L. Magwi Haruna, State Counsel. Delegation from ANEEJ included the Rev David Ugolor, ANEEJ executive director, Innocent Edemhanria, Project Manager, Ramat Idiake, Manager Administration and Newton Otsemaye of the J4A/British Council.

        ANEEJ delegation with MOJ officials during the CASAN meeting

The meeting was held to brief the Ministry on the new ANEEJ project, get updates on the UNCAC review process and identify point of CSOs participation and engagement with secretariat and to generally seek the collaboration of the Ministry to implement the project. Rev. David Ugolor briefed the Ministry on the project details including goal, objectives and proposed activities. He then mentioned the stakeholders the project seeks to engage which include

  • Ministry of Justice
  • Bureau of Public Procurement
  • Ministry of Communications
  • EFCC
  • National Assembly
  • CSOs
  • Journalists
  • Rev. Ugolor hinted the Ministry on areas which concern them and they include:
  • ANEEJ initial meeting with the Ministry for briefing and to seek their support for the project
  • The UNCAC review secretariat/Ministry of Justice to attend the inception meeting on ANEEJ invitation to give goodwill massage and talk briefly on their involvement with the UNCAC review process and the implementation of Open Government Partnership, OGP.
  • The Ministry to designate a focal person with whom ANEEJ will subsequently be interacting.
  • After the briefing, Ladidi Bara’atu Mohammed thanked the delegation and went ahead to give update on the UNCAC review process in Nigeria. Some of the issues mentioned also form the outcome of the meeting. She mentioned the following points:
  • The Attorney General has set up a committee on the UNCAC second circle review
  • Focal point and secretariat have been appointed/designated. TUGAR was retained as the secretariat with EFCC also a focal point.
  • There is also an inter-agency task team which comprises of 22 different organizations including all anti-corruption agencies in Nigeria, Accountant Generals Office, NFIU, Central Bank and other agencies. These are also involved in the review
ANEEJ delegation from right to left: Newton Otsemaye, Innocent Edemhanria and Ramat Idiake taking notes at the meeting with MOJ officials
  • Ladidi Bara’atu Mohammed, Assistant Director, International and comparative law department, federal ministry of justice is the desk officer and focal point for the ministry on the review process
  • The second UNCAC review process focusses on prevention and asset recovery
  • Report on the first review process has been published and can be found at the ministry’s website
  • The secretariat is almost at the completion stage for the self-assessment checklist
  • The transparency pledge is to be signed soon
  • CSOs could do their independent assessment and prepare their shadow report which they can use to engage the UNCAC review secretariat
  • CSOs can get involved in the UNCAC review process through the secretariat which is TUGAR office
  • Country visit will take place around April or May in 2017 and that they look forward to CSOs presence and full participation.


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